My Education

Stevens Institute of Technology

I graduated with High Honors from Stevens Institute of Technology with a Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and a Graduate Certificate in Robotics and Control. Relevant courses are listed below excluding the Math (Calculus, Differential Equations, Statistics) and Humanities classes. My full unofficial transcript can be found by clicking the button below. Through school I was also active in a number of clubs. I was the Fundraising Chair for the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE). I also participated in the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society, and numerous cultural clubs.

Relevant Robotics Courses

  • ME 656 - Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robots

  • ME 655 - Wearable Robotics and Sensors

  • ME 621 - Introduction to Modern Control Engineering

  • ME 598 - Introduction to Robotics

Relevant Engineering Courses

  • ME 554 - Introduction to Computer-Aided Design

  • ME 491 - Manufacturing Processes and Systems

  • ME 483 - Control Systems

  • ME 470 - Mechanical Engineering Systems Lab

  • ME 358 - Machine Dynamics & Mechanisms

  • ME 354 - Heat Transfer

  • ME 345 - Modeling & Simulation

Supporting Classwork

  • E 355 - Engineering Economics

  • BT 244 - Microeconomics

  • BT 243 - Macroeconomics

  • QF 103 - Introduction to Financial Tools & Technology

  • QF 101 - Introduction to Quantitative Finance